Thursday, November 12, 2009

Body Image: When are we Good Enough?

Women are constantly looking at themselves and thinking about what is wrong with them. What would they change if they only could... Make my ass smaller, my nose, my hips, blah, blah, blah. I'm not trying to minimize this feeling, but I wonder, who is good enough? What woman is beautiful ENOUGH? I see all of these beautiful women who self-deprecate themselves constantly and it is heartbreaking. And these women are looking at other women (who also feel like shit about themselves) and are thinking these same women are beautiful. And then there's the women in Hollywood, who society is telling us are gorgeous, who don't think they are gorgeous enough and get all this plastic surgery that makes them... well, not really very pretty anymore. So where do we stop?
I'm thinking about this because I just read a disturbing article called "New Warning on Perfect Vaginas." Recently, there has begun to be a surge in women wanting the most beautiful vagina so they are undergoing a procedure called Labiaplasty. Essentially, this is Female Circumcision with the desire to obtain a designer vagina. Now look: I can understand if there is some physical reason why a woman may need to remove tissue in her vagina. These issues happen. This is not what I am referring to. I am referring to women who believe the tissue of their vagina is too dark, or that their vaginal lips are "misshaped," "uneven," etc. Who defines beauty of the vagina? Now. Let's get down to the part that is even more disturbing. Women who undergo this procedure risk losing sexual sensitivity. No. Thank You. I mean you are cutting away nerves and tissues down there! Advice for the day: Find someone who loves you and your imperfect vagina.

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